[ESS] How to submit SAS from win XEmacs-ESS on remote UNIX SAS ?

Will schimpanski at gmx.de
Fri Oct 5 10:13:08 CEST 2007


just wanted to say that I am suffering from the same problem like Alex
and I'd really appreciate a way to work with a remote SAS Unix Server 
with an GNU Emacs Client (GNU Emacs (i386-mingw-nt5.1.2600) of 
2007-04-24 on LENNART-69DE564 (patched)) on a local Window XP machine.

What I use in my .emacs:

(require 'telnet)
(setq-default telnet-program "C:\\Program Files\\SSH Communications 
Security\\SSH Secure Shell\\ssh2.exe")

(require 'ssh)
(setq-default ssh-program "C:\\Program Files\\SSH Communications 
Security\\SSH Secure Shell\\ssh2.exe")

(require 'ess-site)


What I do:

1) M-x find-file RET test.sas RET
2) M-x ssh RET <SERVER> RET
=> I get a new buffer *ssh-<server>*
3) switch-to-buffer test.sas RET
4) M-x ess-remote RET
5) "Dialect (press TAB for choices):" sas RET
6) switch-to-buffer test.sas RET
7) ess-eval-buffer RET
=> I get the message "not: Wrong type argument: stringp, nil"

It's strange that I am asked for the server name, but no user name or 

Can anybody help?



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