[ESS] Wear sunglasses to protect your eyes.

Siegfried Rosales ffln at factorag.ch
Fri May 25 23:53:21 CEST 2007

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In some cases, however, doctors who know a patient has hepatitis C may
opt to simply keep an eye on them to check that liver damage is not
This condition can be fatal if not treated quickly. These can take the
form of laser surgery or a trabeculectomy - an operation to improve
drainage of the eyes. Surgeons can perform operations to improve the
growth of the face - especially the jaw.
What causes hepatitis B?
For the majority of people with flu, however, the symptoms can be
treated with bed rest and over-the-counter drugs. If you can't face
drinking lots of water, non-carbonated soft drinks, such as fruit juice,
are a reasonable alternative. Surgeons can perform operations to improve
the growth of the face - especially the jaw. Heroin is also highly
addictive and tolerance to the drug builds up rapidly.
"There have been no properly controlled trials or tests looking at the
effect of additives. It is a collection of symptoms, rather than a
specific disease. It is important not to wrap them up in blankets or
heavy clothing when it is hot - but it is equally important to ensure
that they are not exposed to direct sunlight. Medications used to treat
high blood pressure, peptic ulcers, depression or anxiety and cancer may
also cause problems. Rest if you feel faint or dizzy.

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