[ESS] Emacs 22 -- much less fontification ..

Seth Falcon sfalcon at fhcrc.org
Fri Jun 15 16:53:39 CEST 2007

Randy Johnson <rjohnson at ncifcrf.gov> writes:

> On Jun 15, 2007, at 3:19 AM, Stephen Eglen wrote:
>>>>> I have also noticed that anything involving multi-line pasting is
>>>>> much
>>>>> slower. For example, C-c C-n is fine, but executing a block with  
>>>>> C-c
>>>>> C-r causes a noticeable delay. On the other hand, C-c C-l is fast.
>>>> I have seen similar slowness for some time on OS X running Aquamacs
>>>> 0.9.9d which is based on GNU Emacs  {same behavior on PPC
>>>> and Intel, BTW}.
>>> Ditto, it is super slow. I had originally just thought it to be
>>> because of my slow cpu (Carbon Emacs, PPC, Mac OS X)
>> Regarding the slowness in C-c C-r, does the following improve matters:
>>   (setq ess-eval-visibly-p nil)
>> Stephen
> Yes, that works beautifully, thanks! Additionally, C-u acts as a  
> toggle for ess-eval-visibly-p, so you can use it if you want the code  
> echoed in the *R* buffer every now and again (which will be slower)  
> (eg C-u C-c C-r).

I had already discovered C-u and yes, that works perectly in terms of
speed.  I find it rather disappointing/embarassing that there is such
a huge difference -- I could compile C code in the time it is taking.
Anyone have an idea of what takes so long?  Or perhaps more politely:
pointers to how to profile elisp?

+ seth

Seth Falcon | Computational Biology | Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center

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