[ESS] patch to ess-swv.el

Leo sdl.web at gmail.com
Fri Nov 24 22:37:12 CET 2006

Dear all,

The following patch will enable ess-swv to look for a usable PS viewer
and PDF viewer.

--- ess-swv.el.orig	2006-11-24 21:28:24.000000000 +0000
+++ ess-swv.el	2006-11-24 21:27:27.000000000 +0000
@@ -143,21 +143,30 @@
 (defun ess-makePS ()
    "Create a postscript file from a dvi file (name based on the current
-Sweave file buffer name) and display it with gv."
+Sweave file buffer name) and display it."
    (let* ((namestem (substring (buffer-name) 0 (search ".Rnw" (buffer-name))))
-	 (dvi-filename (concat namestem ".dvi")))
+	 (dvi-filename (concat namestem ".dvi"))
+	 (psviewer (file-name-nondirectory
+		    (or (executable-find "gv")
+			(executable-find "evince")
+			(executable-find "kghostview")))))
      (shell-command (concat "dvips -o temp.ps " dvi-filename))
-     (shell-command "gv temp.ps & ")))
+     (shell-command (concat psviewer " temp.ps & "))))
 (defun ess-makePDF ()
-   "Create a PDF file and display it with acroread."
+   "Create a PDF file and display it."
    (let* ((namestem (substring (buffer-name) 0 (search ".Rnw" (buffer-name))))
-	 (tex-filename (concat namestem ".tex")))
+	 (tex-filename (concat namestem ".tex"))
+	 (pdfviewer (file-name-nondirectory
+		     (or (executable-find "evince")
+			 (executable-find "kpdf")
+			 (executable-find "xpdf")
+			 (executable-find "acroread")))))
      (shell-command (concat "pdflatex " tex-filename))
-     (shell-command (concat "acroread " namestem ".pdf &"))))
+     (shell-command (concat pdfviewer " " namestem ".pdf &"))))
 (defun ess-insert-Sexpr ()
  "Insert Sexpr{} into the buffer at point."


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