[ESS] Is ess supposed to help with Sweave documents?

David Whiting david.whiting at ncl.ac.uk
Tue Jan 25 10:55:49 CET 2005

On Tue, Jan 25, 2005 at 09:51:44AM +0100, Henrik Andersson wrote:
> I think this is pretty damn close, yes.
> Opening *ESS-errors* I can see the errors.
> While looking at the ESS manual (http://ess.r-project.org/ess.pdf) the 
> keybinding for ess-parse-errors is C-x ' but the minibuffers says C-c `, 
> strange is it not.

C-c ` works for me.

Anyway, adding (switch-to-buffer "*ESS-errors*") at the end will take
you to the error buffer. If it is empty, then you have no
errors. Nasty, I know, I should work out how to see if the error
buffer is empty and only switch if it isn't, but I really must stop
this and get on with what I am supposed to be doing :)

(defun ess-R-code-only ()
  "Extract R source code from a Rnw file and run it. A work in progress."
    ;; Get the name of the file we are working with.
    (setq namestem (substring (buffer-name) 0 (search ".Rnw" (buffer-name))))
    (setq R-filename (concat namestem ".R"))
    ;; Make sure tools is loaded.
    (setq ess-command (format "library(tools)"))
    (ess-execute ess-command)
    ;; Extract the source code.
    (message "Stangling %S" (buffer-file-name))
    (setq ess-command (format "Stangle(%S)" (buffer-file-name)))
    (ess-execute ess-command 'buffer nil nil)
    ;; Open the source code file.
    (find-file R-filename)
    ;; Load the source code into R.
    (ess-load-file R-filename)
    ;; Switch to the error buffer (even if there are no errors)
    (switch-to-buffer "*ESS-errors*")))


David Whiting
School of Clinical Medical Sciences, The Medical School
University of Newcastle upon Tyne, NE2 4HH, UK.

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