[ESS] running xemacs on a remote directory (win2000)

8rino-Luca Pantani ottorino-luca.pantani at unifi.it
Wed Oct 20 16:11:27 CEST 2004

Hi all,
the following problem for sure arise from my ignorance,
but I'm ignoring which kind of it.
xemacs or win 2000? (inexperience I mean)

I'm working both in the lab and in the office and they're distant,
so I'm forced to go back and forth (that's fine for my "bierbauch")

I keep all my R data on (shared) directories on the "OFFICEcomputer" and
I usually work with xemacs on that computer
with different shortcuts placed on those directories, being
the field "from" the only differences between icons themselves

For example for "project1" the shortcut is placed in
and its "from" field contains "D:\shareddirectory\project.one", so I can
keep different R workspaces for different projects.

I installed xemacs also in "LABcomputer",
being my intention to control some apparatus that must be there,
and making some Xemacs/R calculations in the meanwhile .

It works fine if I start xemacs
from shortcuts on "LABcomputer" and save and read on the computer itself
but it fails when I put in the "from" field something like

In this case I xemacs starts and say

>An error has occurred
>while loading c:\Documents and Settings\Ottorino\.xemacs\init.el:

How can I fix this?

Ottorino-Luca Pantani, Università di Firenze
Dip. Scienza del Suolo e Nutrizione della Pianta
P.zle Cascine 28 50144 Firenze Italia
Tel 39 055 3288 384 Fax 39 055 333 273 OLPantani at unifi.it

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