Configure XEmacs+ESS 5.2.3 under linux FC1

Xiyan Lon xiyanlon at
Thu Oct 14 11:01:45 CEST 2004

Dear u"ESS"er,

I want to know how to install and configure
XEmacs+ESS(5.2.3) on linux (FC1).
I usually use R under XEmacs+ESS on windows 2000
(explained John Fox:
I know XEmacs include a package ess (I think old
version) and I can do 

$ xemacs -f R

but I did not see R.
I know Paul Johnson have a rpm ess-emacs
I rebuild it for fc1 and have installed this rpm and
run very nice in my emacs. Because I did not use emacs
(I want only use XEmacs), how could I configure my

Thank for your help.
Best regrads,

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