is it possible to display plots in an emacs buffer?

Na Li nali at
Mon May 24 16:22:01 CEST 2004

On 24 May 2004, Damon Wischik stated:

> I used to use Mathematica, before I came to R. Mathematica has a strange
> mixture of the elegant and the foul. One thing I liked very much is its
> "mathematical document" idea: a document which intersperses input and
> output. 

I like the idea too.  In term of the Sweave approach, it is very
inefficient to re-evaluate some expensive computation every time a
conversion from Rnw to tex is made.  It would be nice to have the R text
output inside the Rnw buffer and the reevaluation should only be done when
asked. I can live without the graphics for the moment.

There is a notebook-mode ( that tries to
emulate a Mathematical/Maple/Matlab "notebook".  It does not work very
well but could a starting point if someone wants to pursue this further.


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