ESS commands

Richard M. Heiberger rmh at
Sat Mar 20 06:29:10 CET 2004

Please make sure you understand emacs commands, as ESS uses emacs commands
and emacs conventions.  Start with the emacs tutorial
   C-h C-t
When you have mastered that, you will find that many of your questions will
be answered.

For information about ESS, use the info reader.  see below for details.

Please be sure to get emacs vocabulary under control.  It is similar to, but
unfortunately not identical to, other usages.  Specifically, in emacs
frame   independent area of the screen that has its own icon on the Windows Task Bar
window  section of a frame.  typically users have two or three windows open in a frame.
        for example in the top half of a frame is a window open to myfile.r and
        in the bottom half of a frame is a window open to the *R* session.
buffer  view into a file.  The copy of myfile.r you are working with is in a buffer,
        the *R* session is in a buffer, *scratch* is in a buffer.  There are usually
        many buffers open.  Use C-x C-b to see the current list of buffers.
file    something sitting on the hard disk that is visible in the directory editor C-x d
        or in the Windows Explorer.

> how do find what keyboard commands for 
> Paste R Line
> Paste R Para
> Paste R Fun
> Paste R Regi
> Info

I don't understand the questions.   
>From where are you getting what to paste, and where do you want to put it?
I will guess you are asking about the C-c C-n and related commands.
>From within the myfile.r buffer, enter the C-c C-b keys to get a list of
all the keyboard commands that are defined for use in the myfile.r buffer.

For information, type C-h C-i to get into the info reader.  If you set things up
correctly, then search for ESS with C-s ESS RET RET

> the second
> what is the keyboard command to move the focus form
> one fram to another, like from the Scratch to iESS and
> visversa?

C-x o    ;; moves between windows in a frame
C-x 5 o  ;; moves between frames
C-x b    ;; asks which buffer you want to go to

> the third problem
> it had 2 frams before I used the mouse the draged the
> edge of the window to make it smaller, it closed up
> the Scratch Fram. who do I reopen it back up?

the *scratch* buffer is always open.  To make it visible in a window, use
  C-x b *scratch*  RET

> on C-x or C-c gives "Xemacs does not own the primary
> selection". how then would I issue keyboard commands 
> in the iESS fram?

What buffer are you in when you type these command?  Neither is a command,  both
are prefix commands and need an additional keystroke to be meaningful.

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