[R] interpreting profiling output

Kasper Daniel Hansen k.hansen at biostat.ku.dk
Tue Jul 27 04:43:54 CEST 2004

Luke Tierney <luke at stat.uiowa.edu> writes:

> On Sun, 25 Jul 2004, Peter Dalgaard wrote:
>> Kasper Daniel Hansen <k.hansen at biostat.ku.dk> writes:
>> > I have some trouble interpreting the output from profiling. I have
>> > read the help pages Rprof, summaryRprof and consult the R extensions
>> > manual, but I still have problems understanding the output.
>> > 
>> > Basically the output consist of self.time and total.time. I have the
>> > understanding that total.time is the time spent in a given function
>> > including any subcalls or child functions or whatever the technical
>> > term for that activity is. In contrasts self.time is the time spent in
>> > the function excluding subcalls.
>> > 
>> > Now, in my understanding basically everything in R is functions. I
>> > would then guess that for almost any function (except the "atomic
>> > ones") the self.time would be very small as it would spend most of its
>> > time calling other functions (again, since almost everything is a
>> > function). So how do R determine when a subfunction is called?
>> ...brutal snippage...
>> > I guess some of the answers would be clear if I had a firm grasp of
>> > the inner workings of R :)
>> In a word, yes... 
>> The profiling keeps track of R's *context stack* which is not quite
>> the same as function calls. Essentially, it only counts R functions that
>> are actually written in R, but not .Internal, .Primitive, etc. So
>> "self" counts the amount of time that a function was at the top of the
>> stack. This is done by a periodic poll which dumps out the context
>> stack at regular intervals. Seeing cases where the self percentages
>> don't add to 100% is, I believe, simply due to truncation of the tails
>> -- that is, there is a large number of different functions which each
>> are counted a few times, and these are not shown in the summary output.
>> [Sorry about the late reply, but I was out of town, and noone seems to
>> have answered this.]
> Just one additional clarification: There are two flavors of
> .Primitive, 'builtin' and 'special'.  You can tell which is which
> using typeof().  Builtins are things like arithmetic operations and
> specials include control constructs like `for`.  At present profiling
> does record builtins but not specials.  Recording specials is
> something we would like to do eventually but it requires more changes
> to the call stack (and dealing with more interections with those
> changes) so it hasn't happened yet. .Internal is a special, so no
> .Internal calls are recorded.
> luke
> -- 
> Luke Tierney
> University of Iowa                  Phone:             319-335-3386
> Department of Statistics and        Fax:               319-335-3017
>    Actuarial Science
> 241 Schaeffer Hall                  email:      luke at stat.uiowa.edu
> Iowa City, IA 52242                 WWW:  http://www.stat.uiowa.edu

Thanks to both of you for considering my question. I still have some
problems however. Consider the nnet.default function which uses the .C
interface. As 
> typeof(.C)
[1] "builtin"
I would guess - from my current understanding - that the time spent in
the C functions of nn.default are added to its self.time. Now look at
the output

> prof02.out$by.self[1:10,]
                  self.time self.pct total.time total.pct
nnet.default          33.32     11.2    2186.48      92.1

So nnet.default only used 33.3 on its C calls, but 2186 in total
time. From this I would guess that nnet.default - in my case - spends
its majority of time setting up the fit and postprocessing it (as this
is done by R functions which does not add to its self time). The
actual fit (which is done by the C functions) only takes very little

Looking further down the table I see

                  self.time self.pct total.time total.pct
as.integer            22.28      7.5      30.92       1.3

as.interger is basically a .Internal call - which ought not to be
recorded. But why does it then have such a "high" self.time?

And finally, if a program (such as mine) have a high discrepancy
between self.time and sampling.time, does this imply that the far
majority of time is spent in .Primitives which are of type special?
Kasper Daniel Hansen, Research Assistant
Department of Biostatistics, University of Copenhagen

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