[R] tab complete for R under ESS/ 2

S.McClatchie s.mcclatchie at niwa.cri.nz
Fri May 3 04:39:44 CEST 2002


I appear to have been premature in my happiness over finding a 
solution. Everything was fine until I tried to load (C-C C-l) a dumped (C-c-
C-d) file. At this point I was passed to the debug buffer with the 

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-variable replaced)
  (let ((errbuffer ...) error-occurred nomessage) ::: replaced with: (ess-
command (format inferior-ess-load-command ...) errbuffer) (save-
excursion (set-buffer errbuffer) (goto-char ...) (setq error-occurred ...) 
(setq nomessage ...)) (if error-occurred (message "Errors: Use %s to 
find error." ...) (if nomessage ... ...) (let ... ...) (ess-switch-to-ESS t)))
  (let ((source-buffer ...)) (if (ess-check-source filename) (error "Buffer %s 
has not been saved" ...) (if source-buffer ...)) (let (... error-occurred 
nomessage) ::: replaced with: (ess-command ... errbuffer) (save-
excursion ... ... ... ...) (if error-occurred ... ... ... ...)))
  (if (equal (ess-get-process-variable ess-current-process-name ...) 
(default-value ...)) (ess-load-file-original filename) (ess-load-file-
ddeclient filename))
* call-interactively(ess-load-file)

Even after removing the changes in ess-inf.el back to the original, 
saving, exiting emacs and restarting it, the problem remains. Not pretty.  
Can you help?



On 2 May 2002,, A.J. Rossini wrote (re: Re: [R] tab complete for R under ESS): 

> I've dumped it into the ESS Wiki, and generally, you should've, too!
> (just paste it into the form at the bottom of
> http://software.biostat.washington.edu/wikis/front/EmacsSpeaksStatistics if
> it looks horrid, I'll clean it up later; I'm auto-notified of changes...)
> For anyone else, feel free to add tips/tricks to that page.  I'll
> refactor it into smaller more meaningful pages (or someone else can,
> too! just let me know)
> best,
> -tony
> >>>>> "s" == S McClatchie <S.McClatchie> writes:
>     >> System info:
>     >> R Version 1.4.1  (2002-01-30) on Windows 2000
>     >> ESS v. 5.1.20 using emacs ver. 21.1.1
>     s> Colleagues
>     s> Some time ago I asked about tab complete functionality for R under
>     s> ESS on windows. I never got it working as well as I might have liked
>     until s> today. It is still slow the first time while all the
>     environments are checked s> but after that it works well. 
>     s> The solution below might usefully go in the R-tips 
>     s> <http://lark.cc.ukans.edu/~pauljohn/R/statsRus.html>.
>     s> **** Please note: credit goes to my colleague, Michael Manning, not
>     to s> me, especially if you do put this in R-tips *****
>     s> Here is the fix, in Martin's words:
>     s> ------------------------------------
>     s> The lines you need to change are in the file "ess-inf.el".  You
>     should s> be able to find this file inside the lisp directory inside
>     your ess s> directory, e.g.
>     s> "c:\Program Files\XEmacs\xemacs-packages\lisp\ess-5.1.21\lisp"
>     s> You need to replace the line (comment out with ;;;)
>     s> "(ess-command (format inferior-ess-load-command filename) 
>     s> errbuffer)" 
>     s> with the lines
>     s> "(ess-command (format inferior-ess-load-command
>     s>                     (let ((directory-sep-char ?/))
>     s>                     (expand-file-name filename)))
>     s>                     errbuffer)"
>     s> and things should be sweet.  NOTE: this works for ESS 5.1.21 or
>     5.1.20 s> (and R 1.4.1)  under the win32 port of XEmacs 21.4.1.  It
>     also works for  s> GNU Emacs as the problem is in ESS, not (X)Emacs. s>
>     -------------------------------

Sam McClatchie, 
Research scientist (fisheries acoustics))))))))))
NIWA (National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research Ltd)
Postal address: PO Box 14 901, Kilbirnie, Wellington, New Zealand. 
Street address: 301 Evans Bay Parade, Greta Point, 6003 Wellington, New Zealand.
phone 64-04-386-0300, FAX: 64-4-386 0574. 
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