Using the TAGS facility in Emacs for R/S functions

Stephen Eglen eglen at
Sun Jan 27 04:06:59 CET 2002


Whilst still on the topic of regular expressions for finding function
definitions... ESS distribution (v 5.1.19) currently has files in


explaining how to get the Emacs TAGS facility working for various
files.  In particular, there is the "Lubinksy-S-tags" directory
providing a etags.c to allow it to recognise S functions.  I guess
David Lubinsky modified etags.c in the days before it had the --regex
flag.  Recent versions of etags (distributed both with Emacs and
XEmacs) have that flag now, so I think the following Makefile sample
suffices to generate decent TAGS files for .R (and .S) files:


	etags --language=none --regex='/\(.+\)[ \t]*<-[ \t]*function/' *.r 

## I think "function" must be on the same line as the function name:
##   go <- function(x, y, z)
## is okay, but the following won't get picked up:
##   go2 <- 
##     function(x, y, z)
## I think this is a limitation with etags.

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