Remote session

Rich Heiberger rmh at
Wed Apr 24 07:28:01 CEST 2002

We have two versions of the elsewhere function.

I always use the one I wrote: S+elsewhere.  I personally have had less
success with the more general function: ess-elsewhere.

The functions work well.  The documentation is sadly incomplete.
An overview is in the file doc/README.S on lines 98-108.  I will give
a description of S+elsewhere here.  Think of this as an advance on the
next round of documentation.  Comments are welcome and will be included
in the next version.  There is also some information on ess-elsewhere in
the file doc/README.elsewhere

1. Enter M-x S+elsewhere
You will be prompted for a starting directory.  I usually give it my
project directory on the PC, say  ~rmh/myproject/

2. The *S+3* buffer will appear with a unix prompt.
emacs may freeze because the cursor is at the wrong place.
Unfreeze it with C-g then move the cursor to the end with M-> .

3. enter 
  telnet myname at other.machine
you will be prompted for your password.
  M-x send-invisible
before typing the password itself.

4. Before starting S, type 
      stty -echo nl
at the unix prompt.  The -echo turns off the echo, the nl turns off the
newline that you see as ^M.

5. you are now talking to the unix prompt on the other machine in the
*S+3* buffer.  cd into the directory for the current project and start
S by entering
  S or Splus or R or Rterm
as appropriate.  If you can login remotely to your Windows 2000, then
you should be able to run Sqpe on the windows machine.  I haven't
tested this and noone has reported their tests to me.  You will not be
able to run the GUI through this text-only connection.

6. Once you get the R or S prompt, then you are completely connected.
All the C-c C-n and related commands work correctly in sending
commands from myfile.s or myfile.r on the PC to the *S+3* buffer running
the R or S program on the remote machine.

7. Graphics on the remote machine works fine.  If you run x-windows
graphics on the remote unix machine you should be able to display them
in xfree86 on your PC.  If you don't run X-windows, then you can write
graphics to the postscript device and copy it to your PC with dired
and display it with ghostscript.

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