R not running inside emacs any longer

Faheem Mitha faheem at email.unc.edu
Sun Sep 9 18:31:11 CEST 2001

Dear People,

I'm running Debian (2.2r3) with 

||/ Name           Version        Description
ii  ess            5.1.18-0       Emacs statistics mode, supporting R,S  
ii  r-base         1.3.1-1        `GNU S' - A language and environment for
ii  emacs21        21.0-0.1       The GNU Emacs editor.
ii  emacs20        20.7-2         The GNU Emacs editor.
ii  xemacs21       21.1.10-5      Editor and kitchen sink

The ESS and R binaries are by Douglas Bates.

It is extremely puzzling, but R/ESS was working just fine with GNU Emacs
20.7 and after I posted to this list back in late July, GNU Emacs 21
prerelease was working just fine too.

However, when I checked it recently, R would not run any longer on either
of these GNU Emacs versions. When I try to run R I get "selecting deleted
buffer". I recognise this error message from when I have deleted the ess
buffer accidentally, and sure enough there does not seem to be an ess
buffer on startup.

However, R works fine with xemacs and also on the console. Go figure. Does
anyone have any idea what I might have screwed up?

I enclose my .emacs in case it is breaking something. Please CC me; I'm
not subscribed to the list. Thanks in advance.
                                  Best regards, Faheem Mitha.

;;(.emacs follows)

;;Latex Math Mode in AUCtex
(add-hook 'LaTeX-mode-hook 'LaTeX-math-mode)

;; change load path
(setq load-path (cons "~/.site-lisp/" load-path))

;; Auto fill mode
(setq-default auto-fill-function 'do-auto-fill)

;;Use this for ESS
(if (string-match "GNU Emacs 21" (emacs-version))
    (add-hook 'inferior-ess-mode-hook 'my-inf-ess-hook))
 (defun my-inf-ess-hook ()
  "Use regexps rather than field boundarys for movement in inferior buffers.
Only needed for GNU Emacs 21."
  (set (make-local-variable 'comint-use-prompt-regexp-instead-of-fields) t))

;;To display a URL by shift-clicking on it, put this in your ~/.emacs file:
     (global-set-key [S-mouse-2] 'browse-url-at-mouse)

  ;; custom-set-faces was added by Custom -- don't edit or cut/paste it!
  ;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
 '(default ((t (:stipple nil :background "#ffffff" :foreground "#000000" :inverse-video nil :box nil :strike-through nil :overline nil :underline nil :slant normal :weight normal :height 100 :width normal :family "adobe-courier"))))
 '(font-latex-math-face ((((class color) (background light)) (:foreground "Magenta"))))
 '(show-paren-match-face ((((class color)) (:background "green yellow"))))
 '(show-paren-mismatch-face ((((class color)) (:background "red" :foreground "white")))))

  ;; custom-set-variables was added by Custom -- don't edit or cut/paste it!
  ;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
 '(auto-compression-mode t nil (jka-compr))
 '(blink-matching-paren t)
 '(blink-matching-paren-on-screen t)
 '(browse-url-netscape-program "mozilla")
 '(desktop-enable t nil (desktop))
 '(global-font-lock-mode t nil (font-lock))
 '(require-final-newline t)
; '(show-paren-mode t nil (paren))

; (require 'stig-paren)
; (setq paren-dingaling-mode t)
; (setq blink-matching-paren nil)
;(setq paren-sexp-mode nil)
;   (global-set-key [?\C-\(] 'stig-paren-toggle-dingaling-mode)
;(global-set-key [?\C-\)] 'stig-paren-toggle-sexp-mode)

(require 'mic-paren)
;; per default we want no matching of quoted parens and paired
;; delimiter
(setq paren-dont-touch-blink 1)
(mic-paren-toggle-matching-quoted-paren -1)
(mic-paren-toggle-matching-paired-delimiter -1)
;;; ;; But in LaTeX-mode we want this
(add-hook 'LaTeX-mode-hook
           (function (lambda ()
                       (mic-paren-toggle-matching-quoted-paren 1)

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