memory allocation/ R under ESS

S.McClatchie s.mcclatchie at
Tue Dec 12 04:56:17 CET 2000


I've been running R from the rgui.exe under win32 using the startup 
memory allocation:
"C:\Program Files\R environment\emacs-20.4\rw1011\bin\Rgui.exe" --
vsize=60M --nsize=1000k

I want to setup the same memory allocation to run R under ESS and have 
put the following command in the ~/.emacs file:

(setq-default inferior-R-program-name "C:/Program Files/R 
environment/rw1011/bin/Rterm.exe" --vsize=60M --nsize=1000k)

This generates an error on starting R:
symbol's value as variable is void: --nsize=1000k

Everything works fine without the memory allocation 
--vsize=60M --nsize=1000k

Do you have an helpful advice? PS -- thanks a lot to those who have 
helped me get this far.


Sam McClatchie, Research scientist (fisheries acoustics))))))))))
NIWA (National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research Ltd)
PO Box 14 901, Kilbirnie, Wellington, New Zealand
s.mcclatchie at 

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