[BioC] Dunnett\'s test for greater than 1000 groups

Jason [guest] guest at bioconductor.org
Thu Apr 12 08:57:51 CEST 2012

Dear R/Bioconductor users

I'm trying to find a package to perform a Dunnett's test comparing the response from a large number of groups to a single control group. I have tried the "multcomp" package, but when I try to print the summary, I receive the following message:

"Error in mvt(lower = carg$lower, upper = carg$upper, df = df, corr = carg$corr,  : 
  only dimensions 1 <= n <= 1000 allowed"

I have also looked into the simTest package, but some comments on the R mailing lists says that simTest only constructs the Dunnett's contrasts but does not perform a Dunnett's test.

Are there any packages available to do this?

Thank you!

 -- output of sessionInfo(): 

ht <- glht(LM, linfct = mcp(siRNA = "Dunnett"))

> summary(ht)
Error in mvt(lower = carg$lower, upper = carg$upper, df = df, corr = carg$corr,  : 
  only dimensions 1 <= n <= 1000 allowed

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