[Bioc-sig-seq] different results between Rsamtools and samtools

Benilton Carvalho beniltoncarvalho at gmail.com
Tue Sep 28 15:28:51 CEST 2010


I wonder if you guys could help me out understanding what the problem
may be when reading in some BAM files I have...

When viewing them with samtools, I get reads on chr6 (samtools view
file.bam chr6)

When using scanBam/scanBamHeader, I do not get any reads on chr6
(latest RSamtools on 2.11.1, but same happens with the latest devel

Suggestions on how to proceed in order to understand what may be going
on (or what I may be missing)? My guess is that the files are
corrupted, nothing strange comes up when using samtools...

Thank you,


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