[Bioc-sig-seq] Quality Value Analysis from a BStringSet
Martin Morgan
mtmorgan at fhcrc.org
Fri Jun 11 15:55:20 CEST 2010
On 06/11/2010 12:48 PM, Marcus Davy wrote:
> Hi,
> there are a couple of ways to have a go at this, for example pattern match
> for B's and count the matches using low level matching or coerce to numeric
> quality scores and summarize those. I have provided an example where I
> subset the ShortReadQ object to work with the 3' end of interest. However,
> if you do this, qa() does not take into account that you may have changed
> the starting cycle position to something other than 1. It would be quite
> nice to have an additional argument in qa() which sets an alternative start
> cycle, for example if you ran a quality report on the last 20 cycles of
> interest when there are 100 cycles, your qa() summary output should start at
> cycle 81 to 100.
One thing is that the subset might often and reasonably be ragged, e.g.,
'the last 20 nucleotides of a 454 run', where the reads are different
> Another issue, is that ShortRead:::.plotCycleQuality only plots the means
> for each quality score versus cycle position. This does not provide any
> information about the variability in those quality scores for each cycle
> which usually increases as the cycle number increases.
It's hard to know how to do this when the number of cycles gets large,
without just writing a lot of ink to the plot. Maybe every 5th / 10th
cycle might have quantile information? (with the qa object containing
the info for all cycles).
> I have investigated using a range of quantile scores to provide additional
> distributional information, however this did not visualize particularly
> well. Boxplots for each cycle position seem to be a better way to summarize
> quality data. Examples of these are created using the fastx toolkit (
> http://hannonlab.cshl.edu/fastx_toolkit/).
> It would be nice to have function that can produce plotCycleQuality
> Boxplots however this does not appear to be straightforward from summary
> information derived from qa(). I would be interested if anyone has had a go
> at doing this, I was thinking of an approach taking relevant quality
> information out of qa() and making use of Rle objects to obtain summary
> quantile statistics and then make boxplots from first principles using a
> lattice panel function based on lattice::panel.bwplot.
> library(ShortRead)
> exptPath <- system.file("extdata", package = "ShortRead")
> sp <- SolexaPath(exptPath)
> fqpattern <- "s_1_sequence.txt"
> fl <- file.path(analysisPath(sp), fqpattern)
> fq <- readFastq(sp, fqpattern)
> w <- width(fq[1])
> l <- 5
> ## Subset of fq for the last 5 cycles
> fqs <- new("ShortReadQ", sread = DNAStringSet(sread(fq), (w-l+1), NA),
> quality = SFastqQuality(BStringSet(quality(quality(fq)),
> (w-l+1), NA)), id = id(fq))
Better to call the constructor ShortReadQ(sread=...) than 'new'
directly. Better still to
narrow(fq, w-l+1, NA)
(here to narrow an object with variable width reads one might
narrow(fq, width(fq)-l+1, NA)
> ## Sanity check
> quality(quality(fqs))
> ## Low level matching for pattern B
> pattern <- "B"
> for(i in 1:l) {
> cat("[ searching for", pattern, "at position", i, "using hasLetterAt ]\n")
> print(sum(hasLetterAt(quality(quality(fqs)), "X", i)))
> cat("[ searching for", pattern, "at position", i, "using isMatchingAt
> ]\n")
> print(sum(isMatchingAt("X", quality(quality(fqs)), i)))
> }
> ## Extracting scores matrix of quality scores
> scores <- as(SFastqQuality(quality(quality(fq))), "matrix")[, (w-l+1):w]
already an SFastqQuality, so just as(quality(fq), "matrix").
Thanks for the ideas. Martin
> summary(scores)
> ## Run a qa report on a subset of fq
> qaSummary <- qa(fqs, lane="A")
> reportName <- report(qaSummary)
> browseURL(reportName)
> ## perCycle quality plot -note start cycle incorrect
> perCycle <- qaSummary[["perCycle"]]
> ShortRead:::.plotCycleQuality(perCycle$quality)
> Marcus
> On Fri, Jun 4, 2010 at 8:04 AM, Steve Lianoglou <
> mailinglist.honeypot at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> On Thu, Jun 3, 2010 at 3:39 PM, Pratap, Abhishek
>> <APratap at som.umaryland.edu> wrote:
>>> Hi All
>>> I would like to extract and count the last 5 quality values from the
>> FASTQ file. I have read the file using "readFastq" and have stored the
>> quality values as a BStringSet.
>>> Eg :
>>> A BStringSet instance of length 5119916
>>> width seq
>>> [1] 75
>>> [2] 75
>> bbbbbbbbbbbbabbbbbb`bbbbbbab`b_...BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB
>>> [3] 75
>> aaaaaaa_aaaaO`aa^aaa_a_T_``^[`S...BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB
>>> [4] 75
>> bbbbbbbbbbbbaabbbb`bbb_Uaa___BB...BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB
>>> [5] 75
>>> What I would like to do is subseq the last 5 quality values and do a
>> count on #B. We suspect despite good avg quality we still have HIGH bad
>> bases at the end of reads.
>>> Any other ideas welcome.
>> How about just plotting the average quality score at each base
>> position by doing something like:
>> 1. Converting your phred score BStringSet into a matrix of its numeric
>> values
>> 2. Plotting the colMeans(...) of that matrix.
>> Maybe?
>> --
>> Steve Lianoglou
>> Graduate Student: Computational Systems Biology
>> | Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
>> | Weill Medical College of Cornell University
>> Contact Info: http://cbio.mskcc.org/~lianos/contact
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Martin Morgan
Computational Biology / Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
1100 Fairview Ave. N.
PO Box 19024 Seattle, WA 98109
Location: Arnold Building M1 B861
Phone: (206) 667-2793
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