[Bioc-sig-seq] the as.matrix method of the RangesMatchingList
Wolfgang Huber
huber at ebi.ac.uk
Wed May 13 16:11:15 CEST 2009
A tangential remark, nevertheless...:
is equivalent to and sometimes probably closer to what you want than
Best wishes
Nicolas Delhomme ha scritto:
> Hi all,
> I've got the impression that the as.matrix method of the
> RangesMatchingList does not work as it should.
> I have a RangesMatchingList which I obtained by using the overlap (from
> the RangesList class) function that takes two RangesList as input. When
> I apply as.matrix() on the RangesMatchingList, it gives me the following
> error:
> Error in .Method(..., deparse.level = deparse.level) :
> number of rows of matrices must match (see arg 2)
> The function is pretty easy:
> setMethod("as.matrix", "RangesMatchingList", function(x) {
> cbind(space = space(x), do.call(cbind, lapply(x, as.matrix)))
> })
> When I replace the cbind in the do.call by an rbind, it's already better
> Warning message:
> In .Method(..., deparse.level = deparse.level) :
> number of rows of result is not a multiple of vector length (arg 1)
> This is due to the fact that space(x) returns many more spaces than
> there are overlaps.
> I could solve that by changing the function into:
> setMethod("as.matrix", "RangesMatchingList", function(x) {
> do.call(rbind,lapply(c(1:length(x)),function(i){mat <-
> as.matrix(x[[i]]);cbind(space=rep(names(x)[[i]],nrow(mat)),mat)}))
> })
> Now, I do not know if I might have a particular use-case (having a
> RangesMatchingList coming from the RangesList overlap function) that you
> guys did not think of.
> Just let me know,
> Best,
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> Nicolas Delhomme
> High Throughput Functional Genomics Center
> European Molecular Biology Laboratory
> Tel: +49 6221 387 8426
> Email: nicolas.delhomme at embl.de
> Meyerhofstrasse 1 - Postfach 10.2209
> 69102 Heidelberg, Germany
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Best wishes
Wolfgang Huber, EMBL, http://www.ebi.ac.uk/huber
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