[Bioc-sig-seq] Extracting DNA sequences from BSgenome.Mmusculus.UCSC.mm9_1.3.11

Kasper Daniel Hansen khansen at stat.berkeley.edu
Mon Jun 1 20:33:22 CEST 2009

On Jun 1, 2009, at 11:16 , Hervé Pagès wrote:

> Hi Paul,
> Thanks for the feedback! I just set up a script that does something  
> similar
> to your code and was able to trigger the spooky/infamous bug. The  
> first time
> after 140 iterations (55 sec.), the second time after 73, etc...  
> Seems like
> I always get it after a few dozens of iterations. This is great  
> because
> that's going to make troubleshooting this issue a little bit easier!
> BTW, if you are interested in speeding up your code (and at the same  
> time, you
> might get rid of the spooky bug), you can now take advantage of the  
> fact that
> getSeq() is vectorized (starting with BSgenome >= 1.12.2). Given  
> that there is
> also a vectorized version of countPattern() (it's the  
> vcountPattern() function),
> then you don't need the "for" loop anymore:
>  myb.consen.count <- character(nrow(peaks))
>  all.genomic <- DNAStringSet(getSeq(Mmusculus, peaks$chr,
>                                     peaks$start, peaks$end))
>  c.1 <- vcountPattern(myb.dna, all.genomic, fixed=FALSE)
>  c.2 <- vcountPattern(myb.dna.comp, all.genomic, fixed=FALSE)
>  c.3 <- vcountPattern(myb.dna.rev, all.genomic, fixed=FALSE)
>  c.4 <- vcountPattern(myb.dna.comp.rev, all.genomic, fixed=FALSE)
>  ## Now c.1, c.2, c.3 and c.4 are integer vectors of the same length
>  ## as 'all.genomic'
>  the.sum <- c.1 + c.2 + c.3 + c.4
>  the.consen.count <- paste("F:", c.1, "FC:", c.2, "FRev:", c.3,  
> "FCRev:", c.4)
>  myb.consen.count[the.sum > 0] <- the.consen.count[the.sum > 0]
> This is thousands of times faster than calling getSeq() and  
> countPattern()
> inside a "for" loop. Also, it doesn't seem to trigger the spooky/ 
> infamous
> bug :-)

In my experience, the bug seems to come if I do a DNAStringSet on a  
Views, many times. I had some old code that did it essentially once  
per gene (always lots of errors) and moved it to once per chromosome  
(ran without problems).


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